
Having jacked Lizzie up it has now been down to the business of making sure everything is in order and that she is safe for the road.

We have a pretty comprehensive checklist of things that need to be checked as well as the items that require greasing, oiling and changing. Over the last week or so the differential has been drained and refilled, various grease nipples have been treated to fresh grease and the four wheels have been taken off, brakes dust cleaned out and bearings regreased.

A short clip showing a small part of the work carried out on Lizzie

Following the work noted above (which is far from a comprehensive list) was the checklist. Checking various things like the condition of the tyres, windscreen, horn, lights, etc., I.e. like what would be checked on an MOT.

We have one or two small snags to work through, nothing critical to the running of the car, which will be addressed over the next couple of weeks

Author: Matthew Callaghan