This, that and lockdown

Not too much has happened with Lizzie since the last post. All the maintenance tasks were completed and then lockdown was forced upon us. This does not mean nothing has been done with Lizzie…

She has been taken out on a handful of occasions, on essential journeys to the shops, in order to keep the running gear usable. A number of small tasks have been completed as well, such as:

  • Compression Test on all cylinders
  • Checking the condition of the water pump
  • Replacement of top hose and water pump gaskets

The compression test yielded some good results, 105 psi over all four cylinders and the water pump is in good order, although it felt a bit stiff to rotate by hand but soon freed up with the application of some multi-purpose lubricant to the “dry” side of the pump. A flush of the engine was accomplished at the same time as well as replacing the gaskets with new (via Small Ford Spares).

Lizzie out on one of the essential journeys

Lizzie has had a couple of “claims to fame” over the last couple of months. The first was when she was center stage at the socially distant tea party for VE day then she was the cover picture for the Ford Side Valve Owners Club magazine. The latter claim we are most proud of.

Author: Matthew Callaghan