Its time to start cooling down, and we are not talking about the recent drop in temperature. We have had a suspicion that not all is 100% on the cooling system for a few weeks. When doing our checks it has been noticed that the colour of the water in the radiator was looking a not very appealing brown colour. We were not convinced that the water was flowing through the thermostat correctly.
A new thermostat and temperature sender were ordered with the oil filter, fitted a few weeks ago, so parts have been on hand for a while. So last Sunday, 10th November, the radiator was drained. On the Anglia radiator this is accomplished by opening the tap at the bottom. We had wanted to remove the bottom hose as well but were unable to do so easily on this occasion.
With the radiator emptying its contents into the pan underneath the engine the top hose and thermostat was removed revealing that it is a good thing we are doing this job:

When forwarded these pictures on to a friend, the response was “ewww”, and I am inclined to agree. This thermostat will be cleaned up, tested and if it is deemed to be working then it will be kept as a spare.
A good flush using water was made, back flushing the block from the top and bottom, the water coming out of the engine gradually changed colour from brown to clear although some chunks of rust and sediment was removed with a magnet.
Having done the jubilee clips up, replaced the temperature sender, put in the new thermostat and refilled the system with 40/60 mix of antifreeze and water, a quick test was undertaken with two laps of the village (with a stop off at a local shop to purchase lunch). The temperature at the top of the engine was now at 50 degrees but it was a nice “warm” temperature at the bottom. We could do with a nice infrared thermometer to take accurate readings… something for the future tool box.