A month or so ago we decided that Lizzie would be attending the Old Ford Rally at the British Motor Museum. Much of the tweaking and fixing of niggling faults was leading up to this event and making sure Lizzie would get there.
We set off just before 8am on Saturday 20th to head for our first stopping point at Toddington, one of the Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway stations. This would be a journey of around 70 miles

This journey was uneventful, although a wrong turn was taken, but we did have an opportunity for a photo:

Once we set off again, we visited the station at Broadway for a quick photo stop and to repair the connection to the temperature sender:

The remaining journey started to show signs of what was to come. We noticed some slight juddering under acceleration which soon stopped, we put this down to fuel vaporization, something that these engines are known for. A video of this journey will be edited together in due course.
Eventually, we reached Gaydon and set up the tent:

After a bite to eat, we had a chat with our neighbours, hearing the story of their vehicles and talking about Lizzie’s history.
The Sunday was the day of the show and we had Lizzie in position nice and early. Soon enough Lizzie was surrounded by various marques of Sidevalves and 107e’s (engine from the 105e in the 100e shell). There will be a big announcement coming about Lizzie and a future show. I will keep this under wraps for now.

I mentioned a YouTube channel, Marts Garage in a previous post and we were happy to see he had brought his 1955 Anglia to the show. We introduced our selves and started talking to Mart about the work he had done to his Anglia, and we talked about Lizzie.
As we were leaving we could not resist a shot of the two cars next to each other. Lizzie would have been assembled in 1955 but not registered until 1956.

After the photo shoot it was time to leave. Everything was going well for the first 10 or so miles. The stuttering under load restarted and Lizzie cut out. With help from a club member, we diagnosed a dodgy coil. Luckily we had one in the car so this was quickly swapped over and things were running well… or so we thought as a few miles down the road, having taken on petrol (we had averaged 27 mpg at this point) she started to judder and then cut out. This time there was to be no repair and we had to call recovery:

Unlike the last time we had to be recovered, Lizzie was able to drive herself on and off the lorries, so no further damage was done (the last time the recovery driver managed to snap a track rod). Work will now start to identify and rectify the cause.