
The trip back from the Golden Valley Vintage and Country Fair started me thinking… The front seats in Lizzie had been swapped for a set of MG-F seats by the previous owner. Whilst these seats are comfortable, they do make the rear seats more or less, useless! So, we had a look at the original front seats and whilst they do need recovering, they were usable and better match the interior of the car, which is fairly worn out after 68 years.

So, armed with nothing more than a 7/16ths spanner, the MG seats were removed, and the originals were soon fitted, restoring the interior to something more in-keeping to what it should be. More than that, the rear seat is now so much more comfortable for any passengers we may wish to carry.

For now, these are perfectly usable but I have added the replacement of the covers to the list of jobs to do.

Author: Matthew Callaghan