Since the last update Lizzie’s engine has been put back together and I am pleased to report that the gasket replacement has been successful, although not without its challenges.
First their was the dropped washers which inevitably find their way to the inaccessible parts of the engine bay or onto the garage floor where you just cannot reach. Thankfully the spares box contained replacement items which will be replaced with the dropped ones once found.
Then there was the water leak from the top hose, my gasket making was not up to scratch on this occasion, I am ashamed to say I did hack the job and use some instant gasket just to get the job done and tested. New gasket material is in stock ready to create a new gasket in due course.
The final challenge was another failed electric fuel pump, a quick swap with a new one sorted the problem out. When testing on the bench a good thump was all that was needed to sort out the issue. This is the third pump that has failed in just over a year. Serious consideration is being given to reverting to a mechanical pump and the parts to do this have already been sourced from our parts draws. Watch this space for updates on this.
Two test runs have been carried out, a quick one up and down the street followed by a 10 minute run around the village. We have been unable to take her any further due to local lockdowns and now a Wales-wide lockdown. On both occasions Lizzie performed as we expected her to, she is back up to health.
As a happy by product of the refitting of the valve chest cover, one cause of an oil leak has been found and rectified.